Good Beer Hunting

no. 644

I can’t believe people still do this shit. Open a brewery? In this economy?!

As you may have heard, I don’t do much craft beer stuff anymore. My homebrew days are behind me, I don’t know who just opened up a brewery in Chicago, and I have no idea what the latest hot goss is on #BeerTwitter (MY WEEKEND WAS FINE BRYAN). Recently, I wrote about my appreciation for import Lagers.

So I was as shocked as anyone when I got a text from my friend Collin about a week ago, stating, “Looks like next Supermoon release next weekend, are you in?” and was … excited? Though still a little dubious of whether I was actually titillated about the prospect of riding shotgun on a Saturday trip to Milwaukee. “Solid maybe,” I responded.

Turns out good beer is still exciting. And Supermoon’s beer is fucking real good.

Supermoon’s taproom has a “two-thirds through an HGTV house flip” vibe. If you squint hard enough through the framed-out walls and raw drywall, you can see it coming together. Amidst the chaos, there was an energy in that space. The energy of creation. Creation of bottle-conditioned farmhouse beers. Creation of a space.

Standing in the middle of it all, it was hard not to get excited. I may be old, but I’m not dead yet.