Good Beer Hunting

no. 636

A home is only as good as its haunt.

After a decade of funding a website instead of a mortgage, my wife Hillary and I finally got our chance to have both when we closed on an old sprawling ranch out by Harms Woods in Chicago’s North Trail area.

30 minutes after they handed us the keys, we went looking for a beer to celebrate—and Meier’s Tavern was the closest bar we found.

Meier’s has continuously operated since it opened in 1933, the year Prohibition was repealed. The bartender wears a black vest and serves French dips on paper plates. And alongside Coors Light, Bud Heavy, and Old Style, they have DAB, an export Dortmunder. According to the bartender, “Meier’s is the #1 DAB account in the country. We go through 12 kegs a week.”

There’s a legacy here to uphold—and we plan to do our part.