Good Beer Hunting

no. 672

I didn’t need to travel all the way to Jamaica for a Red Stripe. They’re readily available here in the States, and I don’t even have a fondness for the Pale Lager, but I thought: When in Rome. 

But when we got to our all-inclusive resort in Montego Bay, where the drinks flowed freely, we couldn’t find Red Stripe at any of the bars. Not the sports bar. Not the swim-up bar. Not in any of the restaurants. 

I finally asked one of the bartenders why and she said it was hard to get Red Stripe these days. Even when we left the resort, we didn’t come across the dark amber bottles. My vacation brain wouldn’t allow me to dive into the mystery anymore, especially since my room fridge held one single can of the elusive beer.

After a morning at the pool, we returned to our room and cracked open the can, pouring equal amounts into both of our glasses. I savored each sip on the balcony while enjoying the beauty of the resort. It was the best Red Stripe I’ve ever had.