Good Beer Hunting

no. 180

In our work as a design studio, we've worked with great people at every level of the industry—that's what characterizes our passion. So it's nice to learn we can still be surprised by the level of kindness and generosity in the beer world.

Last week, a start-up client of ours were busy packing their bags and heading out West to Washington State to start a farmhouse brewery in the Columbia River Valley along the border of Oregon. It's a major, life-changing moment for them, one that's full of anxiety, excitement, and a ton of complex planning work. Before they left, we wanted to get one last branding worksession in. All day we were hustling to produce as many good ideas as we could before Skype became our longterm medium. 

But in our last meeting in the city before their departure, they showed up ready to provide for us. Justin and Jocelyn brought a delicious homemade chicken roast with a fermented lemon rub and some green beans. I was overwhelmed by how simple and generous that moment felt. 

It told us everything we needed to know about their future success.

—Michael Kiser